Wednesday, January 31, 2018

January Wrap-up

Wow!  January 2018 has flown by! Here is a summary of what I read and posts I have this month.  I didn't post reviews for all the books, I am not sure why, but it has been a good month of reading!

Completed Books- 6

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo-  A great book and a fun Book Club Discussion. It was a positive way to start 2018 books.

Just Between Us by Rebecca Drake- A good book from Netgalley that was released Jan 9th 2918

Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng-  (audiobook)I LOVED this book.  It will be interesting to hear what my friends say at  our Feb. book club.  My 5 star review here

Born a Crime by Trevor Noah-  A great non-fiction Audiobook!  My review here

The Heavens May Fall by Allen Eskens-  Another great Audiobook, I am impressed with this author! Review

Summer Wives by Beatriz Williams-
 This will be a very popular summer read. I 
received an ARC and loved reading these characters.  (review to come soon!)

Currently Reading-  The Great Alone by Kristin HannahCurrent Audiobook- When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi

Challenge Updates-

TBR Pile Challenge- 0/12 read  (1 book started, When Breath Becomes Air)

Audiobook Challenge- 3 out of 15 read (I'm surprised at this number but its good I am getting ahead during the cold months)

Nonfiction Challenge- 1 out of 9 read 

Book Bingo Challenge- 4 squares completed (free space, a book published in 2018, a brand new book, a nonfiction book)

How was your January?  Any books you loved or that surprised you from your reading?

Monday, January 29, 2018

The Heavens May Fall

The Heavens May Fall by Allen Eskens

 I was completely hooked on figuring out who killed Jennavieve Pruitt.  I don't typically read police books, but Max Rupert was a great protagonist in this book and it left on a bit of a cliffhanger so now I can't wait to read Deep Dark Descending. (Max's wife died 4 years ago, and he recently found out she was murdered) Last year I read The Life We Bury (review here)  and also got completely caught up in the characters and the plot. Eskens is a talented author that kept me wanting to read more but still making this a realistic story. Boady and Max's friendship was another aspect that made this book good! I listened to this as an Audiobook and the narrators were excellent.  So in the series of 4 books I have read #1, #3 and will read #4 (which comes highly recommended).
4.5 Stars!  

Mailbox Monday (01/29)

I'm joining in for Mailbox Monday and It's Monday What Are you Reading this week!  Thanks to Mailbox Monday and The Book Date for hosting! 

Mailbox Monday

Last week I got 3 couple of great books in the mail.  (BTW it rarely happens that I get physical books in the mail, so it was a big week for me!)

Pachinko by Min Jin Lee-  I won from a giveaway on the blog The Book Club Cookbook  I use the website for recipes for book club and I enjoy looking at it, so its an added bonus when I win a giveaway!  Thank you Book Club Cookbook Ladies! I have had my eye on this book for awhile, so I am glad to be able to read it.

Between Me and You by Allison Winn Scotch- This is another giveaway I won from Chick Lit Central. The books sounds like one I will enjoy and I loved reading the author interview (here)  I know I should probably play the lottery, two giveaway wins is unheard of for me.  Thanks to the author and Kathleen Carter Communications for the book. 
Auntie Poldi and the Sicilian Lions by Mario Giordano- This book just looks fun!  I have been using BookishFirst to sign up for books that I would like to read. So far the books I have received I have loved.  This one just looks like pure Italian fun and a departure for books I normally read.  I can't wait.

Its Monday What Are You Reading?

I'm currently reading and loving The Summer Wives by Beatriz Williams. I mentioned this book a few weeks ago on Mailbox Monday. This week I haven't had a chance to read much but I love the characters in the book and I am not quite sure yet where it is going so it has me hooked.  This will be a summer hit in July.

My current Audiobook is The Heavens May Fall by Allen Eskens.  I surprisingly enjoyed reading the first book in the series, The Life We Bury (review here), and I have heard amazing things about the 4th book in the series, The Deep Dark Descending, so I skipped over book 2 (it had good reviews but not amazing) and I am very much enjoying book 3 in the series.  The author does an amazing job with character development while keeping the reader interested and guessing in the mystery. This is a police procedural but I love it.  Great narration in this audiobook too.

Next Up on Audiobook-  When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi

This one has been on my TBR list for awhile.  Im looking forward to this non-fiction read!

I have 9 (nine) Feb/March Netgalley books that I need to read sooner than later.  I am excited for all of them, but overwhelmed and mad at myself for requesting so many good ones! 

Have a great week, everyone!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Little Fires Everywhere

Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng

5 FULL STARS. I finally read this book and it lived up to my expectations and more!  I feel like I know the characters. There are so many storylines and parts to the story, but they are so intertwined that it shows the amazing talent of Celeste Ng. I enjoyed how the author would tell what felt like a side story, but it had so much important information that linked back to the plot. The suburban life was something I can relate to (for good and for bad). One of the biggest things was the importance of subtle things (like one character being called Mrs. Richardson not her first name) all had such an important impact. I am actually at a loss for words and have only good things to say about this book. I enjoyed the audiobook with the perfect narrator. It is a must read!

Friday, January 12, 2018

Nonfiction Friday- Born a Crime

Nonfiction Friday
Thanks to Doing Dewey Decimal for hosting Nonfiction Friday

I finished my first book for Nonfiction Reading Challenge!   (also hosted by Doing Dewey Decimal)
Born a Crime by Trevor Noah

I listened to this book on Audiobook and I learned so much about life in South Africa.  I am a language lover and hearing the many dialects of South Africa spoken by Trevor Noah was music to my ears.  It was funny at times and serious but it teaches the readers so much. I enjoyed hearing about the relationship between Trevor and his mom, although she came across tough, she raised him with all the tools he needed to be successful. I love her dedication to her religion as well (and how he humorously portrayed that). I was surprised that this book had nothing to do with how Trevor became a star or became famous and was all about his childhood and the struggles he experienced.  He also hit upon so many important points about racism and fitting in.  One of the most important things he talked about (more than once) was how someone connects to another human when they speak the same language.  How color of skin, religion etc. all melts away when someone is made human by being spoken to in a language they know.  This was my first nonfiction book of the year and a great way to start!
5 Stars

Up Next in Nonfiction:

The Color of Water: A Black Man's Tribute to his White Mother by James McBride  This has been picked for February book club by another member.  Although I don't know much about this book, I am excited for a book discussion with a nonfiction book!  

TGIF and Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The Wife Between Us

The Wife Between Us 
by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen

I loved the character development in this book. I felt like I was living life along with Nellie and Vanessa as their narration alternated chapters in the first part of their book. Life in NYC was so appealing for Nellie that I couldn't help but think she and her roommate, Sam had an ideal life with minimal responsibilities. Oh the days of being a young professional! 

After I got to know both Nellie and Vanessa, the plot line picked up in part two and then I couldn't stop reading. Part three was just as exciting. Since it is a thriller I wasn't sure who to trust and I liked that the authors dropped hints or seeds of information along the way just to (possibly) lead me astray. My best advice, just read and enjoy it, and once you get 60% through it don't plan to go to sleep or accomplish anything else until you have finished it!

4.5 Stars 
Thanks to St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and ARC of this book through the BookishFirst program. Today is the publishing date so its available to all!

Books I Meant to Read in 2017 (but didn't)

 Books I Meant to Read In 2017....what am I waiting for?  

Thanks to Broke and Bookish for hosting the week of Top Ten Tuesday. Next week it moves to The Artsy Reader Girl and I'll be joining there too!

We all have LONG lists of books we want to read.  I know there are a few great books released in 2017 or before that I haven't read.  Here are the top ones I WILL read in 2018.

Born a Crime by Trevor Noah -currently listening to on Audiobook and have laughed so hard I've cried.

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid  (Update, I finished this book last week and loved it!  We just discussed it at Book Club and most loved Evelyn and felt she was true to herself throughout, but a few felt she was too selfish.  Interesting views!!!!)

Lilac Girls by Martha Hall Kelly (my non reading friend read it! so I need to so we can share a book discussion!)

Elenor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman- I'm not sure how I missed this book!

The Orphan's Tale by Pam Jenoff- This has been on my radar for awhile!

The Sun is also a Star by Nicola Yoon- Recommended by my librarian friend so I know I need to read it.

Girl in Pieces by Kathleen Glasgow-  I started this book as an Audiobook but it had to be returned to the library and I never got back to it. I loved the first 15% and need to finish it this year!

Little Gray Dress by Aimee Brown- This is a random one I have had on my TBR list and am considering reading on Audiobook.

The Alice Network by Kate Quinn-  I've heard great things!

Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate- Another top book of 2017 for many that I intended to read!

I know I have so many more to read or that I meant to, but I tried to include a few books that I haven't mentioned on the blog before!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Mailbox Monday!

I'm joining in for Mailbox Monday and It's Monday What Are you Reading this week!  Thanks to Mailbox Monday and The Book Date for hosting! 
(I don't see an actual picture to use for mailbox Monday but this squirrel on the webpage seemed appropriate for how much snow parts of the United States have)

Mailbox Monday-

I was so excited to get The Summer Wives by Beatriz Williams in the mail this week.  I participate in the BookPerk Page Turners group and was sent this book.  It comes out in July 2018 and I am so excited to have my hands on an actual copy already! I hope to read it and review it in early Feb.

It's Monday What Are YOU Reading?

I am currently listening to the Audiobook Born A Crime by Trevor Noah-  I absolutely LOVE it.  Its made me think and its also made my cry laughing!  I'm about 50% through and my favorite part so far is the chapter about The Outhouse and how he chose to use the bathroom else leads to smells and his family thought they had been cursed.  
I also love hearing him speak the many languages spoken in South Africa that he learned and used growing up.  I see why this has been on everyone's lists of books they enjoyed.

I am also reading Just Between Us by Rebecca Drake.  This is a NetGalley Arc that has be guessing but it also is similar to Big Little Lies.  I LOVED Big Little Lies so I am hoping by the end of this book I will have seen the differences in the books and enjoyed both.  I like the 4 different view points of suburban moms presented so far!

In other book news......I am looking forward to Book Club tonight at my house....we will be discussing  The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Tara Jenkins Reid.  I will have my full review up after Book Club since I alway get good insight from the discussion.  I really liked the book!  

Happy Reading this Week to all!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Top Ten New-To-Me Authors I Read In 2017

Top Ten New To Me Authors I Read in 2017

Thanks to The Broke and The Bookish for hosting TTT this week. 

I enjoyed going back through my list of complete books to see authors that were new to me this year. Here are some that I have mentioned before, but others I haven't talked about much on the blog.  A few have announced books coming out in 2018 that I am already looking forward to!

Karen White- I don't know why I hadn't read her before, but I loved these two book. Reviews here and here.  I'm hoping to get through some of her older books that have been on my TBR in 2018.  She also has a new one coming out this summer!

Georgia Hunter- Her debut book  We Were the Lucky Ones was UNBELIEVABLE, I will read any future book she writes. She is such a talented writer.

Susan Meissner - I loved The Bridge Across the Ocean and can't wait for her new release As Bright as Heaven in February 2018

Danielle Girard- I first read this author with a Kindle First free book with Amazon Prime, I loved it and the second book in the series was just as good. I'm hooked on the Dr. Schwartzman series about a medical examiner.

Fiona Davis-  The Address is a well done Historical Fiction novel.  It has a lot of historical accuracies but what the author added was perfect to the story.  I hope to read more from this author!

Kay Bratt- I participated in a Lake Union Publishing Twitter Party and won a book from the author.  I really enjoyed this book as it brought out the good in the characters and plan to read more of Kay Bratt's books in the future!

Barbara Solomon Josselsohn-  This is another author I became familiar with during the Lake Union Publishing Twitter Party.  This book was so interesting thinking about our teenage idols! This was her first book, but I'll be waiting for more books from her.

Ruta Sepetys- I don't know why it took a Book Club pick to read this fabulous author.  Salt to the Sea was an amazing book and I can't wait to read Between Shades of Gray that has been sitting on my book shelf too long!

Elizabeth Berg-  I thought I had read books by her before, but I haven't. I am so glad that I read The Story of Arthur Truluv.  It was a great book to read in the middle of the 2017 political sadness.  This book showed there are good people in this world and reading can help brighten our mood. My review here.

Allen Eskens-  I enjoyed The Life We Bury. It was a bookclub book that I listened to as an audiobook with a great narration.  The other books in this series have gotten great reviews so I hope to pick them up this year. I was impressed with the author's writing and character development.

Amor Towles-  I am so glad I read A Gentleman in Moscow (review here), the author is talented and I loved this book. I read an article about it after I read it and learned so much more about his though process while writing it.  Rules of Civility also has amazing reviews so I have that on my TBR list.

What were some of your favorite authors that you first read in 2017? Thanks for visiting!

Dr. Schwartzman series books 1-3

Danielle Girard has a series about a medical examiner, Annabelle Schwartzman that I enjoy. I haven't posted any of my reviews on the blo...